Monday, March 24, 2008

Quality Gifts

Quality Gifts

You know what a gift is. Right? I mean there are a whole lot of occasions when you are put in the (sometime) difficult situation to choose a gift. For someone in your family, for a co-worker, for a friend, etc.

Now…there are 3 big categories of what I call gifters. The ones that look inside them when looking for a gift, the ones that look at what the receiver will like and the ones that looks for a gift that will be liked and at the same time express their inner feelings towards the receiver.

The one that looks inside them are not paying any attention to the receiver of the gift. They just want to show how [insert ego here] they are and blow away the mind of receiver. Not paying much attention to customer’s needs. But they are the best and unfortunately the ones able to offer. So sometime we are forced to accept them and that is because most of the time we don’t know better (or it’s too – expensive/stressful/time eating – to look for something else). Something along the lines of Windows (the operating system). There are Linux based systems but…there are too many butts to count them. So we conceive them a point. They are there. Egocentrics but there. And they deliver. On their own terms. And we are secretly looking (and hoping) for the next best thing.

The one that looks after the needs (or likes) of the receiver sometimes forget that the gift is mostly pleasure. For receiver as for the giver. Contrary to our first category those ones are (almost) altruistic to boot. They are always looking for the next Grail. The pinnacle of perfection. The one that will make you (the receiver): WOW! And sometime the dreadful “I never think about that one!” And now our gifter is trapped. In the very own trap made for him and only for him. Cause from now he must keep the bar at that level and higher than that Problem is he did not think that far. He did not think about the resources involved, nor about logistics or operations. He was full speed ahead to make the customer contended. At any price. And most of the time that price is as fatal as the embrace of THE Kraken.

The one that looks both sides are our all time winners. They take the time to look (and evaluate) the receiver needs and expectations as well as his resources and steps needed to be taken in order to meet those expectations. And every time they deliver. And they are exceeding expectations too. Because they are putting their resources in harmony with customer’s needs. And customers…err receivers love them. Because they know quality.

And quality means always being on the same wavelength as your customers and at the same time one step ahead.

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